탈무드 - 유대인들의 천년의 지혜

by 86GRAM


23.99 usd

The Talmud in Hebrew means `` teaching lesson or `` promise. Jews are concerned with wealth, affection, relationships, habits, communication,Whenever there was a conflict, the Talmud found a solution. This app is for Jewish intellectual property,As spiritual proprietors, they are their grand history and the source of their outstanding and colorful culture.Its an old classic, but it also contains fresh ideas and outstanding secrets of wisdom that solve todays problems.[Developer word]Paid apps can be removed and used offline.If you are a burdened paid appPlease use the free app.To provide high quality content and maintain the serverThe free app inevitably contains numerous ads.If you are not comfortable with your adPlease purchase the Talmud Paid App.